Case Studies
Diverse working case studies showcase real-life examples of organizations that have successfully implemented and embraced diversity in their workforce.

Spotify’s Revolutionary Inclusive Parental Leave
Bridging the Gender Gap in the UK Energy Sector
Family-Friendly Policies: Lidl GB’s Pioneering Approach
Association of Accounting Technicians’ Innovative Hiring in the Finance Sector
Birmingham City University’s EDI Strategy
Historic England’s Commitment to Diversity in Hiring
Inclusive Hiring: The Hippo Digital Success Story
A Case Study of Tearfund’s Visionary Approach
A Bold Approach to Diversity and Inclusion at Salesforce
McKinsey & Company Drives Business Success through Diversity and Inclusion
HSBC UK’s Powerful Model for Corporate Transformation
Unilever: Pioneering Diversity and Inclusion for a Thriving Workforce
BT Group’s Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
PwC’s Challenge and Opportunity